
And my original point wasn't that racism is dead and gone, it was that no one wanted to listen to bell talk about it because clearly it didn't affect him like his shows constant punch lines would indicate. Chappelle show was funny, made fun of all cultures n occasionally used racism as a joke, it wasn't the underlying

True, but I still believe my point about bell holds water, he's successful, we have w black president, I understand that doesn't mean everybody gets the same fair shake, BUT it's not like anybody does but it really only seems to by black ppl playing the race card on the regular, black people perpetuate the racism

Lol if you think the vast vast majority of ppl are racist anymore, towards those people that were hated against, then your part of the problem. if the person doesn't dress and conduct themselves like they are the cause of trouble, white black Hispanic I don't care, there's a good chance you will be treated just fine

The show flopped because nobody wants to watch a obviously successful black man, or any body really, talk about how racist n unfair the world is cuz ur black.. YOU HAD YOUR OWN SHOW!!