
I think most people got what he meant anyway, but it would have sounded better had the line been "Iris marries Barry and not you".

Every person on Team Flash has made the conscious choice to help Barry in one way or another, fully aware of the risks that come with that. Iris wasn't given that option. It was just decided for her that she'd be better off not knowing Barry's secret. For that reason, she has every right to be pissed.

To be fair, they've done a terrible job of protecting his identity all season, so even if the static shock (I know it wasn't really static shock) she got from Barry last week hadn't already clued her in, Iris finding out by walking into STAR Labs unchecked would have been par for the course for this show. I wouldn't

My favorite line of the entire season was “He’s had the clap so many times it’s more like applause.”

It's a weird freaking name to begin with, so no matter how it's pronounced, it's going to sound weird.