
"Not just any old video games, mind you, but games designed to satiate
the so-called 'core gamer'—the invented demographic of young men who
apparently hate mentions of other forms of entertainment that are not
video games and demand that their virtual depictions of military men,
dragons, and scantily clad women move

You hipster douchebags. No football coverage, no basketball, no baseball, no hockey, but soccer? SOCCER? The only thing more boring than watching paint dry? THAT'S what you decide to cover?

It's worth it to also note that, in addition to completely killing it as Mr. Hoffman, Skipp Sudduth is an amazing stunt driver. Case in point: the movie Ronin.

Good lord does this show suck. Someone at HBO PLEASE cancel it!

How about I keep watching episodes instead of declaring this show DOA just because of ONE episode? EH? How 'bout I do that?

Nah. Fuck Cameron Howe. Everyone else is fine.


Nope. It's very overrated. It does have a lot of insane, rabid fans who will try to gut you if you insinuate otherwise, though.

They'd better get this show off the ground running instantly. I've been burned once with Agents of SHIELD. They screw up this one, and they should just get out of the TV business.

So Gwyneth Paltrow is an idiot, basically? Can't say I was surprised.

The Wire and The Americans. Binge-watched those two with a ferocious intensity.

Never was there a more overrated show than OITNB. Thoroughly boring and awful.


Hamlet doesn't need another adaptation or re-imagining. It is fine as is.

he was a giant. a racist, to be sure, but a giant.

I still have porn on ye olde floppy disks from ye olde BBSes. Still works, too.

So, mentioning the inability to compress 3-D video: that's going to be Nucleus's Achilles' heel, right? Richard will stumble and screw up but he'll save his ass by daring Hooli to prove Nucleus can do 3-D video. And then when it screws up, he'll show that PiedPiper can compress it. Leaving PiedPiper on a high note for