
"As the program’s creators attest, sex is the one physical activity for which people never seem to be too busy."

That's what I had always heard.

I don't know if it's really a diss track, per se, but Sloan's "Coax Me" is almost certainly about Kurt and Courtney. The worst thing it really says about her is that she was "apathetic" after his death. And the only band actually named in the song is Consolidated. Remember Consolidated?!

Look out, folks. We got a badass here.

No, that's rock's Titanic.

Maybe, but only one of them is dangerously stupid.

Yes, in that your chances of being hit by a Stormtrooper's blaster fire are about as good as your chances of being struck by lightning.

The Stormtroopers were not all clones. They were never all clones. The Clone Troopers, on the other hand were all clones. HENCE THE NAME.

"no version has him leave"

He's right, though. Finding a diverse cast is next to impossible in Los Angeles.

They're not bears, they're Ewoks.

How can anyone hate Ewoks? They're awesome!

I wonder whose idea it was to use a song from the '80s to promote this thing?

What About Boba?

Whenever, wherever.

Nah. I didn't even really like Masters of the Universe. I was more of a G.I. Joe/Transformers kinda boy.

It was the one "girl" cartoon that I actually watched with no shame. Actually, it was the only one I watched at all, now that I think about it. And no, this movie looks nothing like it whatsoever.

To say nothing of regularly blowing things up. Not exactly the best way to stay on the down low.

Soap taught me what a "homosexual" was!