
I guess I'll have to wait for it to come out on Net…

Zodiac was also released in February.

That greatest hits youtube video of the Wicker Man is a flat out classic.

It's more like a dozen. Half dozen is being generous. Still a Cage fan.

Cage could be really great but normally he is really bad. I am completely mixed on him. I hope he starts taking more subtle roles so I could respect him again.

It looks like the Penn is mightier than the sword.


End of Watch is awesome.

No. But you are walking a hard dark line. A dark line that may take you places that you may not want to go. Be careful. Good luck and God speed. And may God have mercy on your soul.

Like Mexico **** yeah? How about wizardofid **** you. This is America. #America **** yeah! Suck my ****!

Shuuut up!

Sounds dumbassist.

Sexism and racism are everything now, I don't even know what they are.


Feminism cards are all tools for power, and I see right through them.

Watched Inherent Vice and loved every second of it. May be the only person out there that thinks it because nobody takes me serious now. Friends loathed it. I'm going to eat a plate full of weed. My favorite of the year next to Grand Budapest.

If Beck knocked out Kanye, he would have made music immortality.

I'm hoping it's along the lines of Blank Check with hints of Brett Easton Ellis.

It's because we lost. >:-(. (Shaking fist)
