
The sets are good. But the music just kills me.

Netflix gives 4 to 5 stars on most of their original or featured series. The thing is I don't really care for Peaky Blinders. It's not 5 stars.

Great book. Got into DeLillo soonly after that. I have Underworld sitting on the shelf right now. I feel like if I read that my life will be complete.

I thought the cinematography in the trailers looked like shit. The movie looks like a f***ing Hallmark Card.

Is this like a 24 episode where there are 3 bad guys, a North Korean diplomat, a Russian, and then an American oil man?

Never going to pay to see anything from Sony again. Never pirated anything in my life. Time to start now.

Let's just have Kim Jong Un as our president.

I know. That's why I changed my insult to something more progressive.

"Awash in white privilege" Yeah it's pretty f-ing annoying.

What the hell? "Awash in white privilege." So we can't do shows where white people have normal lives now? Go blow yourself Kyle. Not like there is anything wrong with blowing yourself. I mean go have a cigarette or volunteer at a GOP convention.

I loathed this show and still hate alot of it. They really need to add a kooky plot twist that gives Barbara some mysterious potion that would expand her IQ by 200 points so she has the capability of doing something rational. I really don't know how Gordon hasn't killed her yet. Forget the corruption of Gotham, it's

8. Gangbanger
9. Pimp
10. Rapper
11. Playa
12. Smart guy who get's eaten by shark/dinosaur/animal/monster.

6. Slave

Oh you'll miss the introduction of Harley Quinn, Two Face, Robin, Rachel Dawes, Bane, Hush, Victor Szaz, Bat Girl, Bannana Man…But there will be no character development. Just Marquee names. We are going to introduce the whole Batman universe in one season. Pumped?!

If you think the first one is watchable, watch the second and you'll find it less watchable.


Give it up Ridley. Prometheus blew. What next The Counselor 2: Counseling Harder?

Ending discrimination against women…

I'm pretty sure I'm the coolest person on here. I saw The Guest before it was cool. Later losers.

Yeah. Couldnt get into R rated movies at the time, so I picked up this gem. Pretty f***ing pissed.