
That was the best one.

Actually, it sounds like a perfectly logical continuation of where the show was heading. The Trinity bomb test causing the end of the age of magic was mentioned in Samson's opening monologue in the pilot. Religious manuscripts hidden in Europe are mentioned in season 2. Justin and Sofie are cemented together at the

Reading this interview gave me goosebumps… so many exciting things that could have been, but weren't. It was clear from Samson's opening monologue in the very first episode that there was a clear plan, a classic conflict between good and evil, and a finale that would end with the Trinity test. It's a shame we

Mine was the one from season one or two about the guy with the salamander hand… freaky.

Mine was the one from season one or two about the guy with the salamander hand… freaky.

I thought that was one of the worst episodes of the entire series. I was disappointed when it aired, and I still think it's bad today. But to each his own, I suppose.

I thought that was one of the worst episodes of the entire series. I was disappointed when it aired, and I still think it's bad today. But to each his own, I suppose.

I actually like the episode "3" because it showed how risky and untethered Mulder could become in his behavior without Scully to bring him back to reality.

I actually like the episode "3" because it showed how risky and untethered Mulder could become in his behavior without Scully to bring him back to reality.

I was an enormous fan of both shows, but no, I don't think you could say that the X-Files was the better show.

I was an enormous fan of both shows, but no, I don't think you could say that the X-Files was the better show.