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    The Founding Fathers

    Does the show really have a gun control angle to it because of the duel? Because if so…wow.

    If it happens, this will be the beginning of the end of Hamilton. It's like The Producers. Same kind of deal way back when. Tickets were sold out for years. Everybody talked about what an amazing show it was. Then they made a movie of the play. And that pretty much ended the fuss around The Producers. I mean, it was a

    Nobody will be seated during the Pullman strike busting scene!

    “the issues that Hamilton fought for that are still timely today,”

    Well, with Britney Spears, you have someone who just isn't all that good with objective reality. As Julie Klausner said, she still thinks that straight men care about her, and makes these videos with images of dominatrices and violence against women when it's only gay men and women still paying attention to her. Not

    The Newlyweds was such an odd show. It must say something about America post-9/11 that we couldn't get enough of rich, successful celebrities acting like people with serious brain damage. I still don't get it.

    Well, it was a hit, so women obviously wanted a white guy to figure out the whole "woman" thing for them. Though it's nowhere as ugly toward women as The Intern.

    Man, Malcolm X ruined black Republican politics.

    FYI, Skousen also has had a huge influence over Glenn Beck.

    Apparently he's a big fan of Glenn Beck's great muse, Cleon Skousen. Who, admittedly, most people aren't aware of. But just the general "having no understanding of politics or policy" angle of it is what I'm thinking of. Also, it's depressing just how many people, even smart ones, buy insane conspiracy theories.

    Well, Cosby said that, and look at what the liberal mafia did to him!

    What was Sam Jackson's character's name from Django Unchained? Stephen? There's one vote.

    Are we sure he's not one of those six people when The Onion does that "ask a person on the street" feature?

    He'll argue that Carson's track is better than that will.i.am Obama clip from 2008.

    There are more differences. I don't believe a word Trump says on anything. If he somehow became president, he'd just do whatever he needed to in order to be popular. He'd flip-flop like crazy and troll the whole system. My guess is that he'd be highly popular if it somehow happened.

    Eh, that's an exaggeration. The wife character is the more aggressive and intelligent of the two, but it's a pretty accurate take on a marriage in general. There's give and take. The only truly insufferable character is Duplass's, IMO. Twenty times the smugness of the character of Jerry Seinfeld on Seinfeld, with

    You should watch his latest, Mercy Rule. He made this movie that's borderline camp, directed by a guy who thinks he's David Lynch, and they hired the worst lighting team in the world. And there's more slo-mo than 300.

    Really? I thought Ridley Scott turned in his best directorial performance in at least a decade with that movie. The actors were fine. But the characters were all paper-thin idiots who did things no person would ever think of doing, and it had 2001 levels of nonexplanation of what was going on, combined with Matrix

    Never saw an episode. Then again, I did read the book. Talk about shitty non-endings.