Rachel R

Why would you be glad he spent 18 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit? Do you realize what you're saying? During that time, an actual rapist walked free, and god knows how many women he attacked while Steven Avery was behind bars because the wonderful people in your area didn't like him.

Really interested to know what this worm's thoughts are on suicide.

I remember them interviewing Krist Novoselic, but I don't remember any interview with Dave. He was in some home movie footage, but I don't recall anything other than that.

I wonder if it would have been a better choice if they had just ended it with that performance of "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" In a way, it speaks for itself and everyone watching already knows the real life ending. I don't know. It just felt kind of rushed the way it is.

Yeah, the ending felt like they didn't really know how to end it. Too abrupt or something. But the rest of the movie was so well done that I'm not too bothered by it.

Something like that just might start a teenage riot.

Of course he lives in Sacramento.

Yeah, Kristina was awful as usual. I have to admit I was secretly holding out hope that she'd get hit by a bus in the series finale. I know this isn't that kind of show, but stranger things have happened, right? I guess we know the real reason why she flipped out on Jasmine as Amber was supposed to be giving birth.

The movie is worth it for that scene alone.

Beth got Beth killed. Either you've forgotten 95% of all previous seasons, or your hate is irrational.

I see Rick as a sane version of Shane. Rick has become more pragmatic and less idealistic. In that sense, he's come around to Shane's way of thinking. I always think about what Andrea said about Shane: that his presentation left something to be desired (a.k.a. he's a hothead with some good ideas and few people

I'm honestly not sure what else Rick could have done. The cop proved that he's a manipulative liar and a flight risk. Even so, Rick gave him a chance to stop running. Can he really afford to babysit someone like that?

Rick is slightly more decent than Dawn? Say what you want about his leadership abilities, but his "rip-out-the-throats-of-attempted-rapists-with-your-teeth" approach is much better than Dawn turning a blind eye to the officers raping orderlies.

Huh. Interesting, but not surprising given how much Kim Gordon hates Courtney. And didn't Courtney call Kim a cocktease? I always thought that was strangely hilarious.

Even if I bought into the philosophical debate shit, why the hell didn't he just gag the guy in the first place? What was to be gained by letting him talk at that point?

In fairness to him, there's that verse that's thought to be about Lynn Hirschberg ("My favorite inside source" etc.) which maybe Bemis took to be a "fuck you" to the media.

No wonder Tom Scharpling hates AV Club comments.

Right, because Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are real heartthrobs.

Exactly. On the one hand, Morello crossed about a million different lines and made Christopher's life hell. On the other, the whole crazy stalker thing makes me sad for her, because I get the feeling that she really doesn't know what true love is and that she mistook the smallest scraps of affection for the real

Fig and Vee are (arguably) the nastiest people in this show, and Tucky was infuriating last season. Larry's too pathetic to be hated on, and Healy's character is fleshed out this season. You need to do a re-watch and/or leave the man-hating accusations to Reddit.