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    This is a show with dragons, ice zombies, zombie ice dragons, shadow demons, psychic kids, face-changing assassins, and other typical fantasy stuff. But unrealistic travel time is where we draw the line?

    Trump would've been in grade school in the 50s-early 60s, when the Holocaust was as recent as 9/11 is to kids in school today. So… what the hell is O'Reilly's point exactly, other than the pathetic attempt of an asshole to make his asshole friend look better?

    He can always get a job writing for Daily Stormer OH WAIT…

    HBO should just figure out whatever server these hackers are getting access to, and fill it up with old episodes of Arli$$ and Entourage. Problem solved.

    Poor snowflakes.

    The Limey is my personal favorite, but Traffic is probably his best movie.

    So they're hanging out on the Dark Web with the pedophiles and kiddie-porn collectors. Makes sense.


    "Why do the great champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it?"

    President Skidmark's disapproval rating hit 61% today. It took Bush a little under 2,000 days to hit that mark, but Skidmark McMicrodick did it 207.

    Is he actually getting praised for being forced to "say the right thing" 2 days after a woman was murdered by a Nazi at a rally (partially, but it was a large part) in his honor? Seriously, are people in the media giving him kudos for this pathetic equivalent of a kid doing his science fair project on the bus to

    Awww. did the pwecious widdle snowflakes lose their web server? Well too bad. Suck it up, assholes. Your free ride is over. Time to join the real world where your actions have consequences.

    Reason is dead.

    It's good that Jeffrey Lord got fired by CNN for tweeting a Nazi salute, but I won't be satisfied until Stephen Miller gets fired for being an actual Nazi.

    Spelled "as long as there legal".

    There are white nationalists working in the White House. They don't like the poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty (because of its positive, inclusive, welcoming message) so now a photograph of the statue is a direct assault on their white heritage. Or something like that.

    Yeah, with an ass baby.

    One more takeaway from this, and then I'm done thinking about it forever:

    His current wife, I think. He seems like such a nice guy.

    There's no way I'm the first person to make this comment, but here goes: If your worldview is so skewed that you think the Statue of Liberty is leftist propaganda and photographs of the statue are meant to insult the alt-right, then YOU ARE THE SNOWFLAKE.