
I would hardly call Banyard garbage!

"The Beast With A Billion Backs" excellent!?!?! No, that one was a straight insult. You must be confused.

I liked this episode. While I thought that the end was a little TOO much for Gravity Falls standards (doesn't that thing seem to happen in, I dunno, torture porn movies starring humans in relationship to animals, that may or may not have been released recently, and/or others that may have a certain something to do

That was also a gag in "The Late Phillip J. Fry" as one of the reasons the Time Machine was made to only go forward.

Also, I found it funny how Mabel and Dipper are just practically begging for Stan to give the room to the other person, like "NOOOOO You have to give it to Mabel!!!!!" "No!!! Aren't you going to dock Mabel points?" "Dipper should lose all his points!!" etc. Can't you just go up to Stan and say you don't want the

I just Don't know. For me, this episode was my favorite episode (maybe it was just the fact that I watched it 6 different times this weekend) but I can see your points. The idea of the body switch is, like Alex Hirsch said, well, you simply can't pass it up. So the scene where Dipper is slowly treading around the