The jackal

I loved that they used the score from the Kings Speech in the episodes final scene. Knew that sounded familiar

That Flip-Flop scene was probably the hardest I have ever laughed while watching the show.

Scully and Hitchcock have been a revelation in this show. They get few lines and they knock it out of the park

Ummm Jake. those two dots are called umlauts. Should have put an umlaut on Jürgen too.

Anyone else see Tweek and Craig hold hands. Glad to see that continue

RAY-RAY AND THE BEAST. was laughing for a solid five minutes when Boyle said that

Anyone else notice how The Berlin wall fell in november 1989 not april 1st 1989. Also did anyone else see Barry wear a Flames shirt then wear his Flyers shirt?

I think i'll get a license plate that says BLK-WYF

No discussion on how Holt beat up those three muggers in the cutaway scene. More of that please

Spend time with your kids, so Petyon Manning doesn't


I might be crazy but I think Wilmore sounds like Jerry Seinfeld


An interesting plot line that could happen is Santiago being jealous of Diaz's success. Who knows, maybe Diaz will pass Santiago on some type of promotion

Its a weird thing to notice but Charles loves to use unprotected sex in his analogies. Like last week when he was explaining what a fax is and this week where Holt was putting too much salt in the scrambled eggs

I enjoyed this episode. Might be in the minority but that was the best couch gag in awhile. l liked the comparisons between Kang and Kodos and Lrrr and Ndnd. Although I wanted to see Zapp and Mom in this episode. Should have been at least an hour long show though

I think he mentioned he lost it to his middle school teacher daughter in that episode with Stacy Keach

The twins saying they don't want candy because they learned about diabetes in school was the biggest laugh from me. Another solid episode.