Anne H

I think they are probably doing a scan to see if there's a physical reason for his behavior. I think he might have dissociative identity disorder and that was his alter he was talking to. Symptoms include lost time, memory lapses, depression and drug addiction and is a result of childhood trauma, his mother

You should read the books, there fantastic, much better than the show.

Unless you can prove someone is a danger to themselves or others, it is extremely difficult to have someone involuntarily committed. in addition, if someone is committed invountatily, they have regular competency hearings.

Chuck's a co-dependent, when dealing with an alcoholic you let them face the consequences of their own actions, not minipulate events to get the results that you want. Chuck has serious control issues. This isn't about what is actually best for Jimmy or anyone else besides Chuck. Chuck doesn't want Jimmy to practice

I love that coat!

I love Joan, but she's a codependent and it really showed in how she handled the situation with Shinwell. Actually in her whole relationship with him, with her previous romantic relationship with an addict and deciding to become a sober companion. I won't even start in with her relationship with Sherlock. This is all

Agreed on all points. I recently reread THE ADVENTURES OF SALLY, not only is his use of language phenomenal, but he's also quite insightful about human behavior. Although the situations can be absurd, his characters behave and react like real people.

Love your username.

Bible. John 15:13