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    Can anyone watch that episode and not cry?

    *Not sure what to make of Locke’s presumption that the woman whose house he’s inspecting has a husband—is it intended to signify that he has marriage on the mind, and forgets his manners? I found it very odd.*
    Considering the woman is NADIA, the status of her relationships is very interesting as a character.

    Did anyone?

    Yes but that means you forget this is the same group of people who did Lost. Having expectations beyond what that show did are silly. Part of the fun for watching OUAT for me is playing the Lost Match Game.

    Yes, the Snow Queen was finishing the memory spell on Elsa in the urn when Rumple came into the palace to get the hat. He commented something about her using her rock troll memory skills.

    Fast Reply- "but shouldn’t her super-sense be able to let her know that Rumple is lying?"

    I thought season 8 did some excellent retooling which freshened things up and added new perspective.

    Stay out of it, Nich Lachey.

    I am sketchy on the flashbacks, but I love how they are squeezing so much into a few episodes. Gillian's BE specific story came to an end, but as a person she's still out there. Showing yet another rotten institution to be stuck in. Van Alden showing the immigrant problems of identity. Alcohol was the biggest red

    I'm just sad they are making me endure Wiig to get my needed dose of Hader.

    OMG and I can only hear that in my head with his Bon Temps accent.

    Quick reply- I completely read Piper getting Alex back in jail as a REVENGE plot, one which revealed she'd been manipulating since Red advised her to do so. Alex isn't gonna just get away, and Piper is learning to grow claws (jungle red).

    The fact that this wasn't painfully obvious from the start considering they both not only came to Littchfield but were bunked together at the same time that Soso was being placed in part as a pre/post Piper foil and as a way to continue acclimating new and return watchers for the season is the only thing surprising

    LOL. As someone who lived in Austin and went there a few times, there is a heavy German/Russian population sprinkled throughout the state from earlier migration ("We're wearing four layers of clothes and have no air conditioning, let's just settle in this hot land of Texas!") and got appropriated from that.