
Lousy Smarch weather.

Or when Homer gives up his vocab building tapes…
"Marge, where's that…. metal dealy…. you use to….. dig? stuff?"
"a spoon?"
"Ya! Gimme gimme gimme"

"Ughh… Alright, when I say "Hello Mr Thompson, and stomp on your foot, you just smile and nod"
"Hello Mr Thompson" *stomps heavily*
"…………….." leans over and whispers "I think he's talking to you!"

Well if it isn't my old friend Mr McGregg! With a leg for an arm, and an arm for a leg!

Probably not. They pronounce and spell their names differently.

"But Principal Skinner that's stealing!!"
"Welcome to Dick Cheney's America."

"Hey, did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?"

"A game where people throw ducks at balloons and nothing is the way it seems"