
Allegory, Montessori

He was auditioning from the moment he walked in.

Blockburster verdio was worth and A+ on its own

I love love love 'Spartan'. "You don't teach them knife fighting. You teach them to kill. They meet some motherfucker who learned knife fighting, send his soul to hell"

My brother knew a guy in the video, apparently the label gave them a budget so they just took all their mates from Vancouver down to California to party

"Steal my sunshine" for me too, first song I thought of as soon as I saw the link on the front page.
Also lots of love for the 107.7 The End reference. Growing up in Victoria that never came off the dial. Partly because my tape deck was broken.

Pet Sounds. Both good albums, but 'God Only Knows' is simply the greatest song ever made

Not a great year I guess, and I'm pretty ambivalent about this particular movie. But I am enjoying the hell out of this series of articles. Cheers Tom!

Additional pun based on awakening forces in my pants!

Bravo, sir/madam, bravo.

She knows it's a multi-pass.

1980Blues Brothers
1981The Road Warrior
1982Blade Runner
1983Trading Places
1984Paris, Texas
1987The Princess Bride
1988Bull Durham
1989Last Crusade
1991Point Break
1992Last of the Mohicans
1993Groundhog Day
1994Pulp Fiction
1997Boogie Nights

It's making me sad. Like leaving a man behind enemy lines or something.

1998 was hard. Rushmore, Thin Red Line and god I loved Ronin too

Great point. I'm trying to let my heart rule, and you know what? I LOVE Silverado.

I want to say Kurosawa's Ran for 1985 but in reality I'm saying Silverado.

When are they getting to the fireworks factory?!?

A silver lining you might say.

"Why, for instance, are there mine carts under Alcatraz?"
Huh. Never occurred to me until just now.

Has Nick Cave made a bad album? I'd say not so much.