Ian Dickson

She could be barren to everyone but another Targaryen. The womb protects itself from substandard stock!

There's always the off chance Qyburn loaded those harpoons with the retro poison he gave Cersei last episode. That'd be a kick in the balls.

I think he did the bargaining for land bit as a lesson he picked up from Ragnar - to think ahead further than the enemy. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it just to make the Vikings split their forces, relax a bit, and give his son time to get a decent army together to avenge him. The land deed is meaningless and

Netflix picked up the rights to air the second season later this year, being a co-financier/producer now that BBC America backed out. It's close, if not already, to wrapping production.

Thought you were talking about the election for a second there. Haha

But there is SenseS. Not that it really matters, though.

She was also on Being Human. The superbad vampire's daughter Adrian hooked up with (and ultimately got killed by 'Mother').