Problem with this show is the comedy has gotten too broad the last couple seasons. It still makes me laugh but it was better when the humour was a bit more subtle. It seems to be getting a bit racist in places too where it wasn't before.
Problem with this show is the comedy has gotten too broad the last couple seasons. It still makes me laugh but it was better when the humour was a bit more subtle. It seems to be getting a bit racist in places too where it wasn't before.
This show has the same problem as Hannibal. Fuller likes every take to be a work of art at the expense of the plot. Everything that has happened in this show so far could have taken place over 4 episodes, I can't believe they still haven't made it to the meeting yet, maybe by the end of season 2…
I know! I thought the giant douche and turd sandwich thing was perfect since you already knew which one was which before they revealed it.
I thought zack could have mentioned more on kiras cuban missle thing with the romulans. I thought that was awesome.