
I re-watched the scenes between Don and Mary, and I see what you're saying. I was waiting for Mary's final speech but she just moves to "Why do you need me to say no?". I understand the anger a bit more now, and I'm inclined to believe that how one feels about the episode hangs on how one views Don. His apparent

That makes sense, and I agree with all of your points as being pretty terrible, each in its own right. Isn't it also possible, however, that Sorkin was commenting on the tendency of so many to take on that role today, as we've seen in the numerous college campuses who have mishandled rapes (mine included)? Or is it

I watched the episode; I've been a devoted "Newsroom" watcher for the last couple years so maybe my bias towards the show is clouding what's wrong. I'm not saying there was nothing wrong with the episode or that everything was wrong with it; I'm just trying to further understand what people are so upset about

Can someone break down for me the problem with the episode - or the scene with the rape victim? I read the above article, but I'm having trouble figuring out why people are so enraged over it, calling it one of the worst hours in television ever, etc. Is it over the fact that this episode paints Sorkin as wanting to