
Expanse and Agents of Shield

For me, AOS should be on the list. CW shows are ok, but comparing them with normal shows is like comparing Game of Thrones with I Love Dick.

Legion is the best, of course.

FX dominating!


"Yuria" What?

I love this season. The only thing that I don't like is Liv-Major relationship.. I mean I'm ok with their relationship, but I don't understand why is Major ok with Liv dating someone?? I was thinking they were joking with Major's friend and that they will tell him their history.. But that wasn't the case, it's very

He's changing it to anal.

I'm sad. I wanted to see him in X-Force as new Wolverine.

I don't know why is this on my mind, but I would love to see Agents of Deadpool 🤔

Was this a good episode Barry?
It was ok, other Barry.
I agree Barry.

Man, I just love Charlotte.

Yeah, and there is going to be more of them!

When I heard that I was like Woaahh, damn son!

I'm more of a Lenny Busket fan teehee

My list of comic book shows:
1. Legion
2. Jessica Jones
3. Daredevil
4. AOS
5. Preacher
6. Luke Cage
7. IZombie
8. Arrow
9. The Flash
10. Outcast
11. LOT
12. Gotham
13. Iron Fist
14. Lucifer
15. Supergirl

Totally agree with you, AOS is second.

It's definitely better than CW shows, but I'm going to say it's not better than Netflix stuff, it's on the same level.

Watch this madness: The Expanse, Flash, Arrow, LOT are still on and AOS is coming back. There are new seasons of Fargo, IZombie, Outcast, Prison Break and first season of American Gods. And I'm also rewatching Prison Break from beginning.
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, anymore.