Ben DiBanana

Better be more Ray next season.

Well, yeah

Here's the twist: this time it's all Juggalos

Yeah, Greedo too if I recall correctly. Had to save up proofs of purchase from other figures.

I was 4 1/2. My dad came home with three Star Wars figures each for my brother and me. I got Chewie and R2D2, he got Darth Vader and C3PO, and we each got a Stormtrooper. Then that night we went to see it and it blew me right the fuck away.

I'm kind of bummed about this. But it's true Erlich hasn't been as funny this season as past ones. Diminishing returns I guess.

Yeah, like they still make bagels

I hear you on the timeframe. I did like how the first few seconds were exactly like episode 1 - with just the screeching tires and sirens but no images on screen yet. They could have gotten Luke up to Canada faster and then spent some time with him there, but probably wanted to take the opportunity to show us a little

Ok, sure. They just seem so much more into hanging than learning, you know? Like, obviously they were trying to get to Canada.

I couldn't figure out why they even put Luke in that ambulance in the first place. Were they hoping to make a Guardian of him? Seems like they just hang everybody else. And he even pulled a gun on them.

That was the ambassador's assistant, not her husband. Part of the whole WTF gender role-reversal moment of June meeting them both.

I liked it ok. I get why people might not be interested in a man's perspective in this story, but also appreciated a break from the weekly monthly rape grind. Also, a lot of people were asking to see what was happening in the rest of the country/world, and we got a little peek at that.

I don't think Gus swings that way.

This is true but those guys had much more of a choice. I'm not saying she bears no responsibility at all, but this was a child who had watched her family get murdered, been drugged and raped by their murderers, and who rightly believed she would also be killed if she didn't go along. She was broken in a way the

I don't understand your question. I was just pointing out her young age in discussing her complicity in what she did. Do we hold those more recent child soldiers in Africa entirely responsible for their terrible actions, or do we pity them for the way they themselves have been brutalized?

I think "child soldier" would be a more correct term for a 16 year old who went through all that.

No, that's clearly Brooklyn in 2016. The DC and Moscow street scenes too.

I knew a kid years ago in Boston whose parents were purportedly Russian spies that got caught and sent back. He was allowed to stay, though. Was kind of a weirdo.

"I think organic farming is a euphemism for slave plantations." It can be two things!

"What, did you swallow a bunch of magnets?"