Ben DiBanana

"You suck ass, Rick!"

Just found out he was in Flashdance too.

I actually thought, from the negotiation they had about prisoner/slaves as payment, that she and Negan were more or less on the same level. For now, at least. I'm sure he planned to double-cross her down the road and turn her into another vassal.

Also would have been funny if she was, but then forgot to pull her pants back up before she died, then stumbled out with her pants around her zombie ankles and wasn't able to walk.

Jesus delivered her from evil.

Maybe it's not too late. Didn't I hear they just kicked out the showrunner, who seemed to know too much about addiction but fuck all about how to tell a horror survival story?

That's gonna be the title of my solo record.

And why would they put their best hand-to-hand fighter up in the sniper perch, when it's already been established that she's not such a great shot? And wouldn't that sword have come in handy up there after all?

I'm not sure. Thought he was one of the bodies on the ground but I wouldn't swear to it.

Jesus was in the Alexandria scene before that. Presumably he then went back to Hilltop to warn them of the coming fight, and brought Judith to keep her out of harm's way. (Although carrying a toddler through zombie-infested forests to the next walled encampment is a strange take on 'safer', even if she is the quietest

I'm so pissed Jerry didn't use that axe.

I sure couldn't tell who was who. I guess the Kingdom wore that silly armor, but everybody else pretty much blended together.

Oh I thought Tobin got got too. There were surprisingly few bodies on the ground after though, right? Seems like they could have spent half as much time on Sasha and still gotten that story across (which I did like for the most part, don't get me wrong.) But the gunfight could have been a total bloodbath, with a

Oh man, that was such a mess. I've seen clearer gunfights on the A-Team.

He's a professional alright.

Jesus brought her.

Wouldn't it have been funny if it had just mauled Carl?

They actually travel by garbage truck!?

I really developed a new respect for Jean Smart from this show.

You can import and drive wrong-side cars in the US I think. And many states will let you keep your foreign plates on the front as long as you have a legit one on the back.