
He is a product of Duke University. All you need to know.

So you have met my brother in law?

Thank you for this. Have seen McCartney several times myself. The man sings and plays his heart out for three hours, and his band look like they know they have the best jobs in the world.

A Republican congresscritter in my state (NC) says he ain't a-gunna care nuthin' fer no durn healthcare law until he sees some real progress on buildin' that durn border wall - essentially saying that a bullshit propaganda tool is more important to him than the healthcare policy of his constituents.

The NRA has a host of exceedingly well paid CEO's and preznits, and LaPierre is the camera guy. The rest of them just cash the checks and bark orders, apparently.

Meh - the first edition is SOOOOO much tastier.

"I AM NOT A CROOK!!!111!"

Hannity has only lasted this long because he is too breathtakingly stupid to successfully initiate a sex scandal.

SEAN O"NEAL, this is for you: about twenty years ago, my then-girlfriend brought me all the way to New Jersey to meet her parents. The first place we stopped after we got in state was a liquor store, to pick up something celebratory to take with us. As I got out of the car, the very first person I ever encountered in

I read Tree Of Smoke while I was recovering from a serious surgery. It seemed apt. I have to say, I think it has the edge over Jesus' Son, as incredible as that may sound. It seriously changed me. One of the only books I have spent real money on to have a first edition of.

He should just do a movie of himself telling dirty jokes to traumatized children, with a laugh track. Then set himself on fire.

Good job everybody.

VIVA! the live album is essential. That's my jam.

Isn't the Cath League just that one dumbass guy in an office in Manhattan?

Grow up.

Sorry you got fired Aunt Linda, but Kelsey Grammar would not stop pestering me with that "got any blow, kid?" shit.

I do recall that not so long ago Maher let Adolf Breitbart himself come on the program and babble his racist bullshit loudly and proudly and just let him slide by pretty much all the time, which is about the same time that I figured I'd watch something else.

Don't side swipe Lennon. Different era, different methods. He had to invent his own methods of rock star activism, as he had no precedent. But he agitated and gave his best. Nixon didn't put him on the political shit list for nothing.

There is a whole genre of glasses porn. So I have heard.

Fallon's show is such garbage.