Ben Fuller

I didn't use to like cesaro. Until I saw just how athletic he is and ho2 much of a work horse he is. Extremely talented unfortunately will be buried in raw. Glad Kevin opens isn't on smackdown tho hate that guy.

Not really a solid draft. Was heavily biased to raw with more picks. Uneven split on tag teams. But I actually like the smackdown roster. Only reason I'll continue to watch has raw is balor, lesnar, Enzo and cass

#slatersucks lol. Glad that waste of space is undrafted

While I think it's good to do a brand split I think they rushed to it. They should have made smackdown a 3 hour shoe and split the roster 50/50.

Your ignoring bones and criminal minds and big bang theory. All top top shows

It's not about ted or barney it's the fact they ended up regressing Robin back to early season and making her only care about fame and her career. She was the one who through away her marriage. She new barney was unhappy and instead of fighting for her marriage by sacrificing her career a little .maybe she could have

In the end Robin proved all she cared about was fame and her career and proved they were more important than her marriage which she summed up when she offered a clearly unhappy barney and exit route

It's not even about comprise in end. Robin proved she hadn't changed much. Her career and being famous was most important thing to her even more so than her own marriage and she gave barney who was clearly unhappy in it an exit strategy.

I'm abit late to this as I never bothered watching ending until now after being told about it. I didn't what it as I felt it was a huge slap on face and ended up with me wasting 8 years of my life watching it. It's not the fact they killed of the mothers it's the fact that this show was called how I met your mother