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    In their defense, they did get the permission of the Washington Better Business Bureau and the Organization of American States to just list the nearest large city to the venue rather than listing a small town no one outside the area would know, or the wordy "37.5 miles from downtown Seattle!"

    Gonna ease on down, ease on down the ro-oad.

    The AV Club

    That's an image I would prefer to take back.

    Understandable.  I've never been able to stay awake past the first six hours of that long, boring snoozefest. Did I say six hours? I meant thirty minutes.  It just felt like six hours.

    Daniel Silva, Tom Clancy and OS Card on a gameshow with reality-based categories chosen to contradict these writer's fallacies would be awesome.  I can only imagine the melt down.

    In his defense the question had a pretty obvious 'duh!' answer, and the analogy was amusing.

    And ended.  See because 'end' is a euphemism for naked ass.  -Weeds writer, explaining why 'end' would be a witty rejoinder, rather than just, say, letting the weak rejoinder stand on its own.

    But will Heath Ledger be the Joker?

    Fat Joseph, the Creed of rappers…

    Yeah, it is extremely rare that I fail to finish a book, but Blood Meridian was one that I just lost interest in and stopped 3/4 through.  A little context, I had The Road recommended by quite a few people so I read it and was pretty underwhelmed.  My friends' reaction was that, oh, you should read Blood Meridian then

    It does pick up after that, and really, you don't have to re-read all the books.  Sure, you may have forgotten some characters or context but anything important gets rehashed.  If it were me and I had any interest finishing the series, I'd just pick up book 10 and go from there.

    You have to go to the comments section of The Long Earth review where that sentence is continued in a twelve page end-note.

    Keep your art.  Those of us who memorized the chemistry and engineering textbooks will be enslaving you soon enough.