Yo Ho

Is Jon undead? Will he still age normally? Maybe he won't need to have children.

Doubt the nights watch or the wall will be around much longer. Sam will be Lord Tarly soon.

The primitive wildlings who still make stone tools would be better at working the dragonglass. Obsidian isn't malleable like steel.

It's his now anyways.

Martin hates war too. Don't know about Benioff and Weiss.

At least his last name isn't Manwoody.

How deep was the water? Can Jaime swim in plate mail?

Did you watch next weeks preview?

The Braavosi seize ships from slavers so their motives may not be 100% altruistic. But yeah, if Cersei needs a pile of money to hire mercenaries this was an easy way to do it.

When she told Arya they would meet again I assumed it was because Arya is the one who kills her. If you can see the future you might want to see how you die. I wouldn't but I can see how Mel would.

Bran lured Bran to the tower with ravens so Bran could be thrown from the tower and become a cripple and stay in Winterfell.

As a book nerd I have to point out that the the Braavosi hate slavery.

When she gives up needle she stops being "Arya Stark" it doesn't mean she dies.

There are show spoilers out there if you really want to know.

There was foreshadowing to the Red Wedding. Dany had a vision and the Hound was trying to get Arya to "the bloody wedding to be with her bloody bother."

You know if all the Greyjoys except Theon die this season and all the Dornish die this season then they're just filler. Boring filler. The showrunners should have left them out like they did fake Aegon.

I thought I saw hints in the books that Bran wanted to turn Theon into a heart tree.

Rickon wargs into one of Ramsey's dogs after Ramsey kills him.
Arya masquerades as another person. An exiled queen who brought a huge fleet back to her homeland in order to reconquer it.

The wolves names are the Stark kids fate.

Jamie's biggest regret is that he didn't save Rhaegar's children. He knew his father would send men to kill them. That's when lost his honor, not when he killed Aegon. For redemption he will go against Cersei and save Jon,