Just accept the compliment, no need to be Mr. Modest.
I know when I hate a feature, I make sure to make the time to read it and comment every time a new installment's posted.
*gets the hook*
Blossom, Buttercup,and Bubbles were too late for my real childhood, but that show made my inner little girl very, very happy.
Okay, it made my outer adult pretty happy too.
I absorbed the message, such that I decided at an early age that 'girly' stuff was stupid. I really did look down on other girls, at those ages when we were all judging each other's character by their pop culture preferences. I hung out with boys, had typically boy interests, and it really bit me in the ass when we…
Don't let the exercise advice be another 'should' hanging over your head. People might as well be suggesting you climb a mountain, if your depression is serious enough for you to be up to your eyeballs.
You won't be able to improve until you're able to be at peace. That, for me, was the best goal, the one that led to…
I never really thought about it, but I like a lot of hyperviolent neo noir.
It's not a deep theme, but the object becomes the (horrifying) agent, completely reversing the gender dynamics of the first half of the film. It's not subtle, but the violence is there for a reason beyond splattershock.
Like what you like and don't ever apologize.
I hate melodrama. I think it pantomimes the human condition and diminishes it in the process, but I'm not going over to the comments on The Fault in Our Stars to ask insulting questions or make pronouncements about how 'disappointed' I am in everybody.
Zod's gonna Zod, I…
Audition uses torture porn to a real thematic purpose, so I absolutely wouldn't put it in the same category as Human Centipede. That's like comparing The Birds to Toxic Avenger.
We should just call them all kidfuckers. Shuts up the people who really, really, really, really believe that they should have the right to fuck kids in junior high and high school, even though they're clearly not adults.
The Dave & Busters/Coors Light episode of It's Always Sunny just never worked for me. Is it satire or lipstick on a pig?
I know I'm belaboring this, and this is in American dollars…
Traveling to the destination - $200
$15 (hahah) a night for 30 nights - $450
Bus or subway ticket for a month - $100
$5 a day for Ramen - $150
They're coming for a month for a sexcation? That was the advice I'm talking about, not people starting over in a new city.
Americans generally can't afford to move around like that without a guaranteed income, unless they're upper middle class to wealthy.
I can't afford to visit Seattle or New York, and I'm just a road trip away. I guess there are fewer people in the working and lower middle classes?
How much does a month in a city like Berlin or London cost? Much less traveling all the way to Seattle or New York.
That's a lot of crusts.
Are all Europeans wealthy? I mean, enough to travel the world for months at a time and pay for expensive sexual services regularly?