
I liked how the man wrote what happened in the programme.

Thats a "down" episode? I dont think i've seen a better hour of TV in my life. Thats the Ozymandias of The Expanse. It was rivetting in every moment. So. Much. Fun.

How long were Sasha and Ginger James Hetfield together anyway? A week? He's great and all but do we care about Sasha? Meh. Bill Hicks/Eugene I expect at the right moment will do just enough to betray Negan next season, no doubt right at the end. The Lloyd Christmas Garbage Pail kid just stood there on a platform

Annie's waiting for Troy to get back??

Oh my.

I'm from Englandland where we have this freaky habit of showing a - say 12 episode show - in 12 consecutive weeks. Its crazy!

I think she has, she didnt realise what was down there and that suddenly he was going to penetrate her which freaked her out.

"Mid-season finale". Who thinks up this shit? Just fucking show them already. No one wants a mid season finale. They just want a finale. Do people just switch off for two months? I'm willing to bet that more people watch TV in Dec/Jan than any other month so who decides this crap?

41. i'm fine. Just sick of idiot reviewers who are too involved with what they do to stand back and just enjoy stuff. To take a great bit of TV, that engrossed my wife (who has never seen a previous episode) and left her reeling with anticipation for more in a great hour of TV and class it as OK to middling? Idiot

You miserable f*ck. You need to take your TV back to the shop. You've lost the right to watch it. Stop reviewing programmes. Stop now. You're jaded, cynical and you've lost perspective. "You're acting like THEM". Seriously a B, then a C for the last two minutes.

Christ, they look similar.

wasnt that Gaius Baltar in that scene? 0:19

Signing up for this after reading four years of these reviews. You miserable f*cking tossers. Probably one of the most exciting pieces of TV in years, putting 99% of movies to shame and you start with "The worst part of…".