
The guardian review of the movie highlighted this problem. The same review that Katie Rife massively misrepresented in her article on Wonder Woman and reviews. It's a shame that the av club lambasted someone who agreed with them.

I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it, though I and many others do. There are other ways to watch the film should you wish but the audience participation way is the only reason that these screenings and Q&A even exist. Going to one and complaining about it seems like going to a football game and saying that you liked the

"One detail beloved by the Rocky Horror-style fandom that ruined The Room were the framed stock photos of spoons in the home of the main character, Johnny, played by the film’s Draculoid control-freak writer-director, Tommy Wiseau."

It's pretty funny, the Guardian has a reputation as going out of it's way to push a bleeding heart liberal agenda. Them being misquoted as the voice of the patriarchy is pretty ironic.

You have completely misinterpreted the Guardian review, the reviewer was complaining that the movie wasn't female centric enough, it still relied on men too much.

What's the weirdest comment you've ever read on here?

I didn't say she went in by herself, I said she went in herself, to emphasise that she went in with agency to do her part of the mission, rather than being captured. Didn't say or imply she was alone.

"When, for instance, in Return Of The Jedi, he’s complaining about R2-D2 not having put on his leg while R2’s trying to save the Millennium Falcon and all parties involved?" That is in Empire.

"Slave bikini nonsense aside"
Got to disagree on that in terms of Leia being a badass in the first half of Return of the Jedi, she totally is.
Firstly she goes in herself, in disguise to set the plan in motion, including threatening the entire court with a thermal detonator. Sure then she gets captured and made to wear

The two versions of kicking and screaming are 1 decade apart, not 2, 1995 and 2005.

Still took the work though Miss Stone.

Hope it's the story of how she lost her accent between movies.

Did he though? They were already sold down the river, as Myles points out in the review, he just didn't sacrifice himself to try and save them, which almost certainly wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Glad this column is back, even if I didn't quite get how extended the opening bit about why it went away was.

The theme tune to the first Pirates of the Carribean isn't by Hans Zimmer, it is by Klaus Badelt. Zimmer wrote the new music to the sequels but the theme you apparently find infuriating was written by someone else.

I know what you mean. I love Community but I dislike the fact that both Danny Pudi and Iqbal Theba are supposed to have Palestinian heritage when they are half Indian and Pakistani respectively. They look as Palestinian as I do and I'm Polish/Irish.
It's just a bizarre world of casting for some countries still. Gladly

I had to read that twice to check, Anthony Mackie is only 1 year older than Andre Holland, yet they play uncle and nephew. A bit strange, they would have changed to the familial relationships, to brothers or cousins when they were both cast, I would have thought.

Don't know how it is shown in the film, though Hawking did his doctorate at Cambridge, not Oxford, where he did his undergrad.

It's weird that the fact she's white forms a part of this article, what does that have to do with anything? Should she be Japanese because it's a Japanese movie originally? Would we call foul if a Japanese remake of an American movie had a Japanese lead? White guilt at its very finest.

If you were the actual Aidan Gillen every time you said his name it would be in a different accent while playing the same character.