
When I saw that this episode was directed by Jonathan Frakes, I immediately assumed it would be a competent, often interesting installment that nonetheless is given unfairly harsh treatment by fans who inevitably compare it unfavorably to its predecessor.

Me too… Nothing quite balanced ridiculous plot twists and characters with serious ass-kicking quite like 24… that said, Revenge isn't too bad at it.

Me too… Nothing quite balanced ridiculous plot twists and characters with serious ass-kicking quite like 24… that said, Revenge isn't too bad at it.

That's what I thought, but what about that conversation Bud was having on the phone about "For now, just say what the history books will say," or something.  Plus, he really wants Elaine to run for president, and knows she wouldn't do it against Garcetti.

That's what I thought, but what about that conversation Bud was having on the phone about "For now, just say what the history books will say," or something.  Plus, he really wants Elaine to run for president, and knows she wouldn't do it against Garcetti.

Okay, so one rule of TV shows is that main characters never just unexpectedly die in some freak accident.  It's always murder.  I'm torn between it being Bud who caused it or Collier.  However, I hope the writers just change their minds about it and let it be just a freak thing, because frankly that's way too soapy a

Okay, so one rule of TV shows is that main characters never just unexpectedly die in some freak accident.  It's always murder.  I'm torn between it being Bud who caused it or Collier.  However, I hope the writers just change their minds about it and let it be just a freak thing, because frankly that's way too soapy a

Okay, I basically liked the finale except for one really big thing:

Okay, I basically liked the finale except for one really big thing:

When Jess gets back from Russell's house and Schmidt asks her how her "sexcapade" was, Zooey Deschanel's line reading of "I DID have a lot of sex!" was pretty hilarious.

Did anyone else notice the sandwich in front of Marshall in the fake 2003?  It's callbacks and gags like that that separate shows like HIMYM and Community from other sitcoms, and it's why I love them.  I laughed so hard at that.