
Sorry, you're barking up the wrong tree. My family is Jewish.

Sorry don't know who "Stormfront" is. Why don't you enlighten me.

I'm sure that as Jon continues to crap all over Wall Street, his family continues to prosper because of his brother's position as a CEO of the New York Stock Exchange.

Well having a brother that is a CEO of the New York Stock Exchange is a very big deal. And I find it especially interesting that Jon acts like he has a problem with Wall Street even though I'm sure that his family has prospered greatly because of his brother's position.

I have in no way trivialized this tragedy. I merely am stating a fact about Jon Stewart's family. I'm sorry that you feel that I have in some way trivialized this tragic event, but i feel that facts such as these about people in the public's eye need to be brought to the fore front when ever possible.

I understand what you're saying. But why does he condemn Wall Street when his own brother is a CEO there? I have never heard him come out publicly and speak about the fact that his own brother is a head of the New York Stock Exchange. Why does he hide this? What is the agenda here?

Okay, so you're telling me that Jon Stewart never has had a problem with big corporate interests and Wall Street?

Hardly unbiased and realistic when you preach against something and then you go ahead and partake in what you were just preaching against.

Then he should completely embrace his real big corporate mentality and stop preaching against what he really himself is.

And you're hopeless.

I know that trying to explain the my point here to some will just fall upon deaf ears, so I won't even try. If you're interested just read my replies to the others.

Not at all, I completely agree with him and many of his other points. I don't care for the dishonest manner in which he hides his real roots. Why condemn the big corporate world when he and his brother are a part of it.

I find it fascinating how people like Jon Stewart are all over media playing both sides of the fence and how people blindly follow them without doing any research at all about who they really are.

Read my reply to "Ronald" above.

I'll explain and make it as simple as possible. A person like Jon Stewart who goes around taking shots at the wealthy so call "right", should at very least disclose that at least part of his family (including himself) are part of that same group.

Boy does this guy Jon Stewart have all these followers complete sold on his BS!!! Come on Jon tell everybody who your brother is… Just another voice of reason for the "Liberal" side right!!! Jon's brother is Larry Leibowitz CEO of the New York Stock Exchange!!! What a sick joke you're playing on the American public