Simple, the elites that control Earth have either mastered mass mind control or quantum physics.
Simple, the elites that control Earth have either mastered mass mind control or quantum physics.
Once again nothing from you but the typical nonsense. Still no response to the Federal Reserve "conspiracy". I guess when you don't really have an answer you resort to name calling and trying to tear the person down and not the so-called conspiracy. Have a nice life denying all that is happening around you. Take a…
Are you gainfully employed? You sure do have all kinds of time on your hands to "accidentally" view my profile and several past posts, lol!!! Listen, as far as I'm concerned the trolls are people like you doing the public the disservice of continuing to bury and negate the truth. Let's get back to facts like the…
At this point all I can say is that you have to be another paid minion troll. Denying that the Federal Reserve is not controlled by foreign entities when it is common knowledge, is definitely the MO of a paid internet troll, or may be you really are just that much of a dullard.
You have several times called me a bigot and in the same sentence mention the "Bilderberg-Jewish Bankers". My family is Jewish and we have had family that were in concentration camps. I really would prefer that you stop with that line of reasoning, it just doesn't apply here. By the way all top bankers are not Jewish,…
You are correct about only one thing. Our country is moving forward. It is moving into global government driven by this global corporate federal government which people like you are supporting. Take off the rose colored glasses and do some research and maybe even some soul searching. You really need to do something…
You only saw two comments because it seemed that the first comment didn't publish. As far as I'm concerned, you're close minded and possibly also a simpleton (again an imbecile) that is unable to wrap his mind around common sense facts that may be unsettling or may also scare you. As far as the swearing, any way you…
So in your intellectual opinion, if someone has a different point of view then yours, then they are "abject scum". Interesting. I guess that certainly proves your astounding intellectually ability. One word of advice. The manner in which you conduct yourself reminds me of a pre pubescent eleven year old that thinks it…
So following your line of logic, if somebody has a differing opinion then yourself, they are at that point "abject scum". Well there you go, I guess that proves your unbelievable intellectual prowess. You really need to get off of that ego ride that you're on. I hate to burst your bubble, but truly intelligent people…
Spoken like the true imbecile that you are. The language you use doesn't "hurt my ears" but truly shows what kind of low life you are when you have to resort to those means. I just love getting people like you riled up. I noticed that as you're blabbering out the typical brain washed minion "conspiracy theorist" same…
I understand where you're coming from. I for some reason feel that if I can at least get one person to open their eyes and come out of the fog, then I've done my job. I applaud you for the way you have handle the situation. I feel some days that that is exactly what I should be doing (don't care for Monsanto's GMO…
DDB, Ol' Great Slayer of "Conspiracy Theorist", I'm sorry to mess up your warm and fuzzy little world of non reality. Isn't it a little odd to you that nearly all of our American presidents share the same bloodlines? These same bloodlines are shared with other high ranking politicians, the heads of huge corporate and…
Oh okay, so calling people names is reserved for "very special people". Well I think that you're special also. So, the first three letters are your initials. Hmm let me guess then, "D" "Dumb" "Bastard"? Is that correct? Did I guess it? I hate to tell you, but you spelled "The" wrong.
No, I don't live like a hermit, actually have a very busy and fulfilling life. Hey, do you kiss your loved ones with that mouth? Just wondering.
Well there you go, you just pointed out exactly what I have been saying. Jon Stewart changed his name for a reason. It isn't pronunciation. May be because he is hiding from his Jewish roots. And why would he do that? Come on, I know that you can get there, try real hard and strain that little expletive laden brain…
I understand where you're coming from. I for some reason feel that if I can at least get one person to open their eyes and come out of the fog, then I've done my job. I applaud you for the way you have handle the situation. I feel some days that that is exactly what I should be doing (don't care for Monsanto's GMO…
Is it possible for you to put more than two sentences together with using expletives? What do you think genius, is that possible, or just too much above your IQ level? Get back to me and let me know Einstein!!
Well you seem to be very brave behind your name. What's your real name, why don't you use it? Oh that's right, you're just another big mouth that bravely calls people names as long as he can hide behind his computer screen and no real name either. Is that right big guy?!!
Again the language you continue to use leads me to believe that you truly come from very low intellectual standards. Jon was never forth coming about his brothers position at The NYSE.
So he got out while the getting was good. Maybe all those crooks like Jon's brother should be in jail. But that's not how it goes in America. Help destroy peoples hard financial work and then move on to another sweet job.