
Because she was a child who did something really really stupid. Arya seems to be in this mindset that Sansa is still like her childlike self.

X2. I fully expect her to use that letter to somehow, someway attempt to screw Sansa over. They dont really like each other that much.

Does Jon know much about Littlefinger though? He's been at Castle Black fighting White Walkers and probably doesn't know much about whats been going on with "the game"

I think she didn't tell him because she had to surprise Ramsay. She made a hard decision but if Jon had known, things would have went differently and Ramsay would have been tipped off.

I think they are hoping this will be Hawaii 5-0 2.0. But tbh it already sounds DOA.

I felt like it had been building up tbh Cosima has had so many hits that when she got a win (or what she thinks is a win) now she has gotten her second wind so to speak.

I think Cosima needed Delphine alive tbh she was spiraling and finally got a win with a breakthrough science wise but hearing Delphine could be alive really put the icing on the cake. What I want to know now is who is keeping Delphine? Is it either against her will (albeit comfortably) or on her own terms? She didn't

I would like Mystique to get her own movie that way she can stay out of the X-Men films or at least take on less focus.

They have done the opposite to MacGyver he's now a young man in his twenties. They de aged him, where as Nancy was aged up.

It kinda made sense to there backgrounds are similar heck both there most cherished loved ones ran diners.

I thought Nora stole her back? She was invisible, then showed up invisible to stab Stefan (could be completely wrong though)

Honestly? I don't think Nora wanted the different life you mentioned of she even bought a "Sorry" board game to give to Mary-Louise she fully intended on reuniting with her until they had there big breakup which led to her realizing she's spoiled and going nuts when she realized that they had kidnapped Mary Louise