Watch out for the dick thread. It spans many years.
Watch out for the dick thread. It spans many years.
In 2016 I agree with you completely but you did phrase it like a dick.
Some people have no respect for others or maybe your like Jesse and you don't think. You should not confirm theories and ruin once in a lifetime moments for viewers of one of the best shows ever. Your comment can't be unread and no one should be spoiled of later events by reading a season 2 comment section. I get it…
Damn poor guy. Glad he surivived.
I'm always afraid of people from the future posting spoilers.
Sounds interesting I would like to hear about his experience.
I can sympathize with Skylar but there is no excuse to smoke while pregnant. Also, feel so bad for Walt frustrated with the situation with the love of his life but can't fix it because the result of the truth would be worst and prevent him from helping his family long term. Juggling this frustration, rift, and tension…
That's cool that you came back four years later. Anyway wow can't imagine how this awesome show could get any better! So excited!
I'm watching this episode thinking who came up with this sh*t because it's crazy and entertaining! I'm gonna miss Tuco's ass but I'm glad he's dead. Headshot you degenerate piece of filth!
I am reading your comment in September of 2016. I agree A+ episode!
Well, I'm a "little" late to watching this show but I'm glad I have a comment section to read for the rest of the show. It's nice to binge watch the episodes but I'm sad that I'm almost a decade late from basically all (99.9%) of the hype and discussions.