
A silly exercise but what the heck, my top 3 from FZ:
One Size Fits All
Waka Jawaka

An inordinate number of exclamation points… Mr Littman and Jake Jarmel would not be pleased.

Tripping balls with Jon, Dennis and the girls in a New Orleans cemetery

Goin' fishing with the fellas from "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest", maybe a tumble belowdecks with Candy if RP MacMurphy doesn't mind too much…

Just finished the first season of Maron on Netflix. I love Louie and all, but is it possible I like Maron more? (covers head waiting to be pelted)
Watched Punch Drunk Love on Friday night. There Will Be Blood floored me the first watching and has each time since. Magnolia took me a few watchings to really enjoy.

Wash this…

I'll quijibo you!! *strangle strangle*

And poor Joey Joe Joe is sitting right there at the bar…

I read that out of all the guys doing the voiceovers Canseco was the biggest pain in the ass. Shocker. Scoscia was supposedly the best.

Watched Ida streaming on Netflix. Really stunning, beautiful story, she is quite mesmerizing as well. Coming to the AV Club has made me appreciate more of the subtleties of great film making and this movie didn't have a single wasted shot.

Just saw this, really stunning, and as mentioned above, not a single shot wasted. If anyone's still reading this thread and knows movies… I really liked how a lot of shots featured the actors in the lower third, if not lower quarter of the screen. A few scenes even had half their heads cut off. Is this a well known

Most disappointed in lack of Always Sunny from this or the top 25 lists. My favorite episodes in no particular order.
Nightman Cometh
Sweet Dee has a Heart Attack
Gang Gives Frank an Intervention
Gang Buys a Boat
Dennis Looks like a Registered Sex Offender
and maybe it was only because I broke my 30 days with no weed

I have an Australian shepherd who is my bestest buddy in the world I don't know if I can handle canine tragedy. But I will plow through, thanks.

Thanks Bones, ignoring the "icky" parts is one of their film mantras. Good guys win, bad guys lose, violence and nudity offscreen with happy, logical endings are their faves. Funny I like almost the exact opposite.

By all means, cast and hurl aspersions. I think this is destined for the Netflix list, constantly moved down in the queue until On Demand.

Unlikely, if as the commenters above mentioned, it was seriously downplayed. They couldn't handle 6 Feet Under, "why do they have to kiss so much?" Sigh..

So how are we feeling about The Imitation Game round these parts? My parents (who think Bill O'Reilly is a brilliant man) adored it, which usually is a sign to flee in the opposite direction.

You gotta pay the troll toll…

Is that a Titleist?

I enjoy milk steak as well, and dislike people's knees.