
I kind of do, too. The quality is so high that it doesn't seem sustainable.

Warning: timeline dorkiness ahead.

Martha's definitely not all "bad", and she was definitely manipulated, but from an FBI point of view, she was at the very least grossly negligent. Did she really think an internal auditor, or CIA, or whatever, would make you bug your own boss's office? She's pretty much known Clark was a fraud since Walter Taffet came

I thought she was going to try to kill Elizabeth with it, once she learned that her and Clark weren't really siblings at all.

What's funny is that IRL glanders isn't actually all that serious, at least to humans. The Soviets were apparently interested in it and possibly used it in Afghanistan, but it mostly affects horses (and therefore was used as an agent in WWI).

I took it as Philip's way of saying to Gabriel "I'm going to tell her everything, so that we have to do it my way and get her out"

Is it just me, or has Matthew Rhys aged like, significantly since last season? I don't know if it's just that he needs a haircut, or because they're purposefully doing his makeup a certain way (which, if so, great job, because Clark/Philip looked haggard as shit tonight), but I just rewatched an earlier episode last

Yeah, I agree. It was enjoyable, but definitely nothing new. The voicemail gag went on for about 70 seconds too long. Oh, and Cyril is the worst and why is he so heavily utilized?

It was that horrible feeling of dread as you start to comprehend the words that have been said, and then before you can fully understand what's happening, it's over. I think, like us, Nina expected she would die, but still held on to a sliver of hope that she would survive. The sentence still hit like a sledgehammer,

Philip & Elizabeth are so good at manipulating others that it's shocking to see them handle Paige so poorly. Elizabeth started out okay (connecting with her at church, showing Paige a poor neighborhood and telling her they were part of the civil rights movement) but since actually telling her they've done nothing but

He's the Minister of Railways. Not at all related to the KGB, but certainly important.

Awesome news! I think it's been really well received, even if not heavily watched. I have to say though, I prefer her John Oliver-esque "slam pieces" to some of the other segments on her show which tend to drag on too long (like the Atheist Voters going to CPAC bit).

Is Jessica Walters back to normal? There was something clearly wrong with her voice last season and it was a huge drag.

Paige seems too naive to understand what P&E really do. So far, all they've told her is that they "meet people for information." That being said, even before the confession to her mom, she'd have to be colossally stupid to not put two-and-two together if Pastor Tim met an untimely death.

I think the show (/the Centre) has been weary of blackmail, since Larrick didn't work out so well (Claudia even mentioned as much, that blackmail rarely results in a positive ending). Seems like when P&E can't use the honeypot (or appeal on an ideological level), they just eliminate those who could identify them.

Sure, it did botch their plans, but surely Elizabeth felt some relief that Paige couldn't sit on a lie for too long.

Oh jeez, it's so hard to pick a favorite. Season 3 had the squickiest moments (suitcase, tooth pulling, necklacing, seducing a teenager, killing an old lady!) but it's probably the strongest. I have really fond memories of S1, but the back-and-forth of Philip & Elizabeth loving/hating each other gets pretty exhausting.

Man, I know people aren't a huge fan of Nina's current storyline, but it's really sad. While Martha's self-preservation instincts have kicked in (as we saw last week), Nina is tired of her own ones.

I think it was definitely a stupid decision on behalf of the Centre, but I do have to sit back and remember "maybe they're supposed to be making bad decisions because they do ultimately fail." I think it's indicative of a KGB/USSR that is making rash, quick decisions in order to stay in the game, and it's going to

He was super handsome on Brothers & Sisters, where he usually kept his hair short (and he had a little more of it).