
Also, in the books, Missandei is like…an eight year-old girl. So yeah, TV only plotline.

No - it was Qarth, the most boringist place on this entire planet of earth.

The wig reveal didn't occur in "Clark's Place" - it was at the end of season 3…."I Am Abassin Zadran" I think. Unless you mean when it was revealed to Gabriel & Elizabeth that Martha had 'seen' Phillip - but even that was in "The Rat".

He didn't know they were going to use "The Chain." Apparently it was originally filmed using a Stones song, and they switched it up in post-production.

So, not mention about how Philip/Gus is clearly failing with his honeypot while Elizabeth easily succeeds? Bravo for a bit of realism, because you can't just honeypot everybody, but that's how I read those scenes - she's clearly annoyed by him at the gym (trying to put her headphones back on), and even though he

I thought that too! "Let me just spill some exposition while I chug this supposedly scalding hot coffee that is clearly empty"

They were watching the winter Olympics in Sarajevo, which took place between February 8-19, 1984.

Episode 413 took place on January 22, 1984, and 501 on February 16. So a little over three weeks.

Okay I agree with you on Girls but seriously, The Americans is a monstrosity? Get out.

Season 2 deteriorated very quickly, season 3 was terrible…and then seasons 4 and 5 established a "new normal" where the show is fine, entertaining in a 24-lite way at best, close to silly procedural drivel at worst.

Yeah, I definitely agree with most of your points (in particular, the Red Wedding fallout, the lack of "holy shit Jon Snow is a zombie, and the Dornish coup). I just don't think Olenna Tyrell's scene leaves much to complain about. We would want to see Jon Snow's grief if Sansa died because Jon is a major character -

Meh. I think you're supposed to believe she has had time to grieve (it's not like she literally just found out that second, she probably knew before traveling to Dorne from the Reach otherwise why go at all?) and has moved on to the anger stage. Revenge is pretty much all she has left.

I saw that article too. Poor, sad, deluded fans. I wouldn't be surprised if TWOW isn't released before the end of the TV series, let alone the final book…

Russell should win for that forehead vein alone.

Yeah, you're right. Both Dinklage and Maisie Williams were probably at their best in either S2 or S4, but this past season both had pretty uninspired arcs.

Honestly, the only actor on GoT who I would say truly deserved an Emmy nom this year would be Jonathan Pryce, maybe Natalie Dormer, and maybe Lena Headey (who did get one). It's a fantastic show, but I wouldn't exactly say the acting is amazing in most cases.

Yeah. For me, best writing definitely goes to "The Winds of Winter"….Battle of the Bastards is basically just one big LOTR/300 mash-up?

So happy that The Americans finally got its nomination! And nominations for Keri & Matthew, too, whew. If I were them, I would submit either "Chloramphenicol" or "The Magic of David Copperfield" because both actors were amazing in those episodes. (Also kind of sad that Allison Wright didn't get a nod)

I watched the first two episodes last night and it already seems miles better than the (decent) first season. Both Billy and Julie are less yell-y and slightly more likeable, and there were quite a few spots where I either had to pause because I was laughing too hard, or rewind so I could hear jokes I missed.

And that Arya will "shut a lot of eyes forever" (true!)