that's not correct… she was pissed and it showed… my wife made note of her expression… there were distinct changes as the conversations went on.
that's not correct… she was pissed and it showed… my wife made note of her expression… there were distinct changes as the conversations went on.
I think Ramsay has killed his last victim…
Scene set up:
It almost funny how much I anticipated Dorne while listening to Oberyn describe it and it's people… turns out he may be the ONLY good thing to come out of that place
If the battle goes down in ep. 9 for sure… then they may hold his death over for the finale… I'd rather see him get jooked by a Frenemy… Warden of.. my foot!
Yes, yes it would.
I'll say… Loras, Kevan, possibly Pycel… and an outside shot on Theon. I think he has more story left… but the real conflict is between Yara and Euron… so Theon may die helping Yara
You know… this is the first time it occurred to me… but ya.. if dragon's can die they can become zombies… init?
Long live the Queen!
Ah, but when? I don't think it's in the big 3 (8,9,10). I think they are building it up as though it would be a giant pay off… but he'll go in fairly unremarkable fashion before we get to the serious action of the season.
Little finger is too good at the game. He will worm out of it… I mean he has a giant army that he has brought to help her kill Ramsay. But the key will be in how she approaches him going forward. Will she use him or trust him… If she trusts him… Shit's going back to square 1….
I'll say 6 or 7 bigger things are brewing for 8-9-10.
The hound is (rumor has it) nursed or brought back by a priest named the Elder Brother on the quiet Isles. He is "reborn". And as you state he has the same disdain for the great houses that the Sparrow has. So he could be the Faith's choice… I don't see him killing HS… But if he has changed and become peaceful he may…
Elaria is substantially worse… regarding accent continuity… actually Dorne seems to have a plethora of accents assigned to a small number of Characters.
Ya… I found that a little off putting.. He state that he can't stay here… not after what happened… I think he also tells her that he hung a boy younger than Bran… But Sansa doesn't seem like her understanding of what happened was "I died… fully… and then Tada!!"… I feel like we missed out as well.
even different story lines within the episode can be spread over different times. eg. The season picks up right where Jon was stabbed… but the Dornish ship has alread made it to King's Landing and 2 snakes who were not on it have also arrived there. Sansa and Theon are right where we left them… But Jorah and Dario…
She assumes it is the case… and that Ramsay is being truthful.. and guesses it was murder… and states that "we Know it's true" that he has Rickon… when she really doesn't know it's true at all… but she believes it.
Brienne told Sansa that she met with Arya… and that Arya was with a man… she failed to mention the brutal fight and possible death of said man… and said she did not know where arya went from there.
Well, the scheming was about Lancel and led to Cersie's imprisonment.
I don't think so. I think there is something else.