The word was Shroud… meaning wrap or dress… often for burial. This is why Cersie asked about the dress Marcella was put in… Note: it was the Gold one.
The word was Shroud… meaning wrap or dress… often for burial. This is why Cersie asked about the dress Marcella was put in… Note: it was the Gold one.
I can't lie… I was nervous when she took the drink. Lying to the Waif is one thing… that fountain kills folks.
It's funny because the show has grown itself into one of Dragons and zombies and magic… yet we still demand "realism" and concede that there are things that would simply be "too unbelievable". I think it's a testament to the writing of the over all story.
He's fantastic… no argument there
Arya would put the waif on the list… a girl would not. Arya is suffering, a girl is simply training. Arya gets even.. a girl moves on.
"Also, I bet the Waif is on that list now." IMO that was the point. The list and Arya are all about revenge. The Waif is a character that "Arya" would certainly want revenge on. That's whay she says "What name would you like a girl to speak". This is training, a faceless person does not hold or cultivate grudges. The…
That's actually an awesome twist… BUT, the chosen champion has to agree, init? Tyrion chose Bronn and Bronn refused so Oberyn stepped up. So I think Tommen would have to agree, and well, not likely… I'm betting on Clegane Bowl.
Light bringer (at least what we've seen reported as light bringer) looks normal though doesn't it. I feel like the way it's been described It would have taken me out of the moment like MT says… I'm sure they could have figured something else out… but I think most will simply have enjoyed the action and choreography of…
I was ok with it. I understand that in the book he has a special light saber like sword… But here they simply showed that the guy who "was the best ever" could fight equally well with both hands and at the same time… his sword work being good enough to cover offense and defense. Also, it's possible that he utilizes…
I don't know… if the Umbers are a powerful house and they are clearly saying you are not above us… then there is a common enemy dynamic… But Ramsay can not have come out of that meeting feeling assured in any way that he is "warden of the north" or anything other than the Head of his Family…
But, it doesn't actually seem like there is any "understanding" about ranks and titles… The Umbers are actually there to ask Ramsay for assistance, but they are in no way willing to subordinate themselves… they will line up BESIDE Ramsay for now…
Good call
I'm sure the high sparrow called her by name Sister _____ I can't remember what it was though.
He did… He did seem above that kind of stuff… and… well…. stab-stab-stab-stab-stab-stab-Stab… Surely this has taught him something.
Never consumated… according to what Baelish Told Bolton.
Here here!!
He could also be realizing that there are real consequences when you rule… like Roose told him many times. Much of his violence has been 1, non lethal and 2, without any real repercussion besides a chastising from Pop… he has never been responsible for the fallout but now he is… Also, I don;'t think he likes to feel…
Nice… There is always also the off chance that the "gift" is meant to be a nasty one. I hope Rickon is a badass though
I am impressed how quickly they have pushed things forward this year. Roose was much earlier than expected, as was the Dorne fall out and the Balon Greyjoy demise.. Also the biggie reveal from the end of ep. 2. I really expected all these things to happen 4-7 episodes in. This is fun.
She is far more concerned about her brother than her Husband… Plus she's could/should be super pissed at Tommen… But you're right, it's a long shot…