
Looks like Noah Hawley likes working with Hamish Linklater.

He prefers his Splett-shirts.

I far prefer whipped cream


Except for Mexican Jesus.

Game of Thrones has a fair share of floppy wieners, but never a full salute that I can remember. Most of the pay channels show hard-core porn late at night, so I imagine that they can show whatever they want. Too bad we don't still have MadTV to show an edited for content version of American Gods for Pax like they

It's after 6. What is he, a Farmer?

I get all my gum on Amazon.

Were you thinking thunderstorm?

A lot of Fuller's formula seems to be setting up the pieces and then putting them into play. We're still setting up at this point. The putting into play ends up being the most fun.

I'd throw in Fargo and Legion.

I was wondering about this. During Hannibal, Jimmy kept on mentioning his twin brother. It was sort of Chekhov's twin. I was always wondering if Hannibal was going to come across the twin and kill him, thinking that he was Jimmy. Maybe Fuller is finally giving Timmy the death that he had always wanted to.

"Ironically, I have bigger tits." Ben is my favorite character on this show. Almost everything he says is hilarious.

His parents always make me cringe. I'm sure they are fine people, but good actors they are not.

I don't deny she has huge talent, but I think she may have certain limits, particularly vocally.

I keep seeing in certain episodes:

Keith Carradine was another one.

I have stuff like that happen to me all the time. The one thing I've particularly noticed is when I approach street lights at night, they go dark.

Perhaps he fancies himself a Roman emperor?

I have a feeling she couldn't do the Minnesota bit credibly.