"The jerk store called, and they were running out of you!"
"The jerk store called, and they were running out of you!"
And Theon's new name is Dickoff
Should have mixed in some chocolate so he could have had sanguinaccio dolce
Well, that was a freebie.
Right, I forgot Brutus!
Makes Tywin Lannister look like Ward Cleaver.
Been watching Outlander? Of course, he's irredeemable there (at least one of his characters is).
Ellaria Sand is really asking for it.
He's worse than cousin Oliver
What is dead may never die
Is it just me, or does "The Tyrells" sound like some kind of pop group from the 60s?
I believe that Sam is basically George RR Martin's avatar in this story, and with the Valeryan steel sword to kill White Walkers, something has got to happen with that.
Jon Snow knows that…
Riding a dragon has got to be as uncomfortable as hell.
I'm guessing here, but she will kill the waif, and that way the god gets a face.
I thought we were an autonomous collective.
Dexter is the kiddie table version of Hannibal.
How does that expression go? Cold hands, stone heart?
Boromir died first season.