
I have two brothers who were born with fully cleft palates, and there is nothing even remotely trivial about that or what they had to go through growing up both surgically and dealing with other kids around them.

'cause that's the hand she used to… well, never mind

You're almost never going to have a 100% batting avg with playing bad guys. Even Sean Bean gets to be a good guy who dies in his role once in a while. Besides, once Plummer did "A Beautiful Mind", it opened him up to getting more "non-bad guy" roles.

Not generally, it is offensive. And he would most likely have to have a cleft palate to have a speech impediment, not just a cleft lip.

How is old Grimey?

Well, yes, but since then he became the ubiquitous bad guy in movies, like Ronnie Cox or Paul Gleeson or any other one of those "guy who was in that thing" actors.

Probably already done to death on AO3.

I never thought of that angle. Like casting Christopher Plummer in A Beautiful Mind. Of course he's the bad guy — Christopher Plummer is always the bad guy!

Twist: Mischa is Samara! That's why Hannibal never has a TV set around him.

Yes, but in filming you can use a lot of tricks that wouldn't actually be real. Like CGI the teeth, or wearing a cap on the teeth instead of the full dentures he is seen buying. They can make a full denture to wear, but then you wouldn't be able to close your mouth properly because your teeth would double in height.

I think the show's best shot, although slight, is that Netflix picks it up after the Prime contract expires.

Most of these internet productions are only ten to thirteen shows per season. It wouldn't be difficult to work on two per year, as an actor.

In season 2, we did have Su-zakana and Shiizakana, one after the other.

I noticed that when he ate "The Great Red Dragon", Dolharyde was wearing the crooked dentures. I'm wondering how this works. Does he not have teeth, and then changes from regular dentures to these dentures? It would be a little difficult to wear dentures over existing teeth. He only has, at worst, a unilateral

First name, Seymour.

Loved Dolarhyde's home! I'll move into it when you're done with it — just make sure you keep it in good condition.

Certainly not by NBC. As far as the networks go, trust no one.

I'm wondering if she would become the receiver of: "The doctors managed to reset her jaw more or less. Saved one of her eyes. His pulse never got above 85, even when he ate her tongue."

When he picked up Reba to take her upstairs, I was waiting for him to hit the banister with her head.

I like to think that Jack was trying to kill him when he threw him out of the window. He just didn't realize that Hannibal would be fortunate, or conscious, enough to grab Pazzi's body to break his fall.