
I loved Joe Anderson, but when he said, "We are going to have some good, funny times," I suddenly wanted to see what Michael Pitt would have done with the part.

I was wondering if he was going to kill her as soon as she cut him free.

All the good men are either gay or have no face.

I think the eel was special effects, not visual effects.

Mads Mikkelsen is the greatest at expressing so much by doing so little. His last scene with Will when Will told him he didn't want to see him anymore. You could see the heartbreak come over him and Hannibal crying on the inside with just the slightest facial movement.

Someone else mentioned Tatiana Maslany, which I wouldn't have a problem with at all. Then, I was thinking, she could also play Katherine Martin, Alana Bloom, Bedelia du Maurier, and Freddie Lounds in the show at the same time.

Yes to both. Also, since they had Gina Torres play Laurence Fishburne's wife.

I never even started on Grimm. I believe it was because they were showing it opposite of Fringe. That is the stupidest thing that the networks do that I hate to no end. When one network comes up with a show that caters to a certain audience, another network comes up with a show that caters to almost the same audience,

Grimm is produced by Universal Media Studios, so profits, foreign and domestic go back to NBC parent companies. Hannibal was produced by Gaumont, who is French. No doubt, in their deal, NBC only shares in the US profits, so it doesn't matter to them that this show is successful in several foreign markets. Gaumont and

I think that Comcast is the worst, but maybe not by much. The irony I was going for is that Comcast owns NBC.

More like the Comcast of television networks.

It is also on free Hulu, not just Hulu+.

Trimming the Vergers?

Shhhh! Don't give anyone ideas!

They do like to recreate British Shows:

There are some popular cable shows on Saturday, like Outlander and Orphan Black, but nothing really in the summer.

That's it. I'm never watching NBC again. Of course, the only other show I still watched there is The Blacklist, and that was only for James Spader's performance, and the show is featuring less and less of him, and the stories have become redundant, and I've already completely lost interest in the show.


Save yourself… Kill them all.

It's easy not to get hooked. Just don't look!