
The problem is that it should have been on cable, probably premium cable, to begin with. This is like giving that elderly Spanish women the "Ecce Homo" by Elias Garcia Martinez to restore. The networks are completely unqualified to handle this property. Plus, sad to say, throw in some artistic nudity, and the

As usual, great deeds are the result of an individual, not an organization. If you are going to thank anyone, thank Jennifer Salke of NBC, who tried to keep the show going in spite of everyone else around her working against it, such as Jeff Bader (rhymes with Vader, coincidence?), head of scheduling, who was

It's formula TV. That's what the people want. Remember that episode of Walker where the bad guys kidnapped Alex and then Walker saved her, or that episode of Three's Company where there was that big misunderstanding?

I don't know why people insist this isn't the network's fault. What I've posted elsewhere:

That was the one where an alien beams onboard and surgically removes and takes Krendler's Brain? Wait, what show are we talking about now?

Isn't MGM the one with the "Silence of the Lambs" rights? I wouldn't mind seeing that.

In this exchange from season 1:

We've yet to find out. Once upon a time there were no search engines other than Yahoo and Alta Vista.

Better a service that picks up better shows.

Star Trek was also cancelled due to low ratings and only a cult following. Read about why it was cancelled (by NBC) and the parallels to Hannibal are uncanny.

I don't know, did you see what Yahoo did to Community? Plus, their other two big shows aren't good and are obviously low budget.

They passed on Hannibal, but renewed Aquarius?

Time for me to pass on Amazon Prime and Netflix

It was probably a publicity shot, or from an outtake. I'm pretty certain that shot has never aired. He was bathed in that much blood in Mizumono, but he was never standing when he was drenched in blood in that episode.

I just want to make sure we're on the same page, so what I was thinking of was:

Will: What are you reading?
Alana: Flannery O’Connor. When I was Abigail’s age, I was obsessed. I even tried to raise peacocks because she raised peacocks. But they were really stupid birds.

I wonder if his mom called him Will Graham?

and neither one of them are quitters…

I loved Fishburne last week, when Will said, "because he was my friend, and I wanted to run away with him." Fishburne was just a blur in the background while Will said this, but you could still read his expression and feel the change that came over him.