
100% Agree.

Its also widely believed that NIN's Starfuckers Inc is about Marilyn Manson.

Will he settle for a Tarnished Legacy?

If I walked into a room and Angela Merkle or Ruth Bader Ginsberg or Condeleeza Rice came in, I'd have a giddy fucking freakout too. They are not only political leaders or public servants, they are role models and famous #BadBitches

reruns of Arrested Development, Game of Thrones, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Broad City, 30 Rock.

Of course they went bananas for HRC. This entire show is about worshipping strong women- regardless of election year politics or not. This is very much what my friends and I were like (and still kinda are) when we were in our mid-20s. Righteous Babes all the way!

This movie looks like shit.

Google his Paul Lind impressions. A+

When Community lost Troy.

Ooof. That did make me look behind me. x-0

Sili-KAHN not Sili-CONE

jessuschrist leonardo dicaprio in his goddamn golden days there. ::sploosh::

This was the best "A Very Special Episode" in decades.

Ugh. Is this the next Richard Linklater movie?

" “We don’t see it as competition,” Sheridan states from atop a throne
made from the tuition checks of film school dropouts. “We see it as
complementary,” he adds between sips of warm blood from an ingénue
filmmaker from Niles. "

You mean Clitlary. Because she's a Feminazi, getit?! ::mouthbreathes:::

good point. Maybe 'humanized' was the wrong choice of word.. I guess, with a reimagined personality? hmm. help me out.

Can't wait til they make a goofy comedy where he just can't get along with those darn'd injuns!