
Who wants to see Adolf Hitler in "goofy scenes where one of the most undeniably evil people in the history of the world struggles with setting up an email account"?

I've heard of Scarlett Johansson, but "Starlet" Johansson??

Aw. Look how cute young Marilyn Manson is.

If Community wanted to be saved, it should have gone to Hulu or Netflix, like the Mindy Project.

They actually have the balls to CHARGE you a monthly fee for CBS content on their Apple TV app. As if anyone would pay for CASTLE seasons. We did it for a week to watch Colbert, then disconnected and never looked back. I love Colbert, but CBS is singlehandedly destroying that show with their anti-streaming bullshit.

"It also had something called Sin City Saints, which was probably either about a sports team or a tattoo parlor. It’s impossible to know for sure."

it's Swiss made.

did donald trump write this?

Better Roots?

"Jeff Sleazay looks like a sleazy mixture of Don Draper and John Mulaney, and I am here for it."
HAH 100% yes.

Oh, he's Adam Sandler on TV.

Wow Bill Murray, it's gonna be a White christmas afterall, huh.

Wow Bill Murray, it's gonna be a White christmas afterall..

for crissakes, adam sandler, what happened to your sense of humor, dude? Did you ever watch Funny People and realize it was allegory for your fucking career? Were so unfulfilled by your one career-changing moment in Punch Drunk Love that you let it slip by? Its like Y2K missed the rest of us and went straight to

Nobody is gonna bingewatch Taxi.

Listen! We need to see him get beaten to death by Negan so everyone just calm down and enjoy.

What a dumb record cover. He needs some real friends in his life to tell him "Yo bro, I know you wanna look like TuPac, but you look like a little bitch."

**please don't let them cast megan fox. please cast someone who would be appropriate to the tough broad that is Lara Croft. Someone with some body weight and muscle. **

He needs to stop fucking with AMC and go to Showtime or HBO or Netflix.. Let him run loose

Yeah. I saw her live and she is both startlingly impressive and her talent and jokes are a source of great wonder and astonishment.