
Hahah, so true. The books are supposed to take place around 2007 or so, so it's almost believable.

I was probably a little too categorical in my commentary. It's just been my considerable experience that that is the case (people don't lose accents). In any event, thanks for seeing past our disagreement to what my essential point was - it's a little odd he has no accent whatsoever (especially considering his back

The actor from Fraser? I see that he was born in Britain, but I've never heard him speak IRL. In any case, losing an accent when English is your native tongue and your careeer is centered around being able to portray different people of different backgrounds is much, much, much different than an Eastern European

Haha, yes! I thought the Nazis speaking English sounded a little odd, but that particular juxtaposition didn't even occur to me. Also, I refuse to stop complaining about Setrakian's total lack of accent until someone else agrees with me that it's odd. People do not lose their accent like that.

I read the books and generally enjoyed the story (although I didn't think the books were particularly well written). But even I have to agree the show has been way too plodding.

When you say the Spanish subtitles were earned, you mean actually necessary. I never studied Spanish and have almost zero knowledge of the language, but even I thought the subtitles in the Gus scenes were silly. "Hola Mami" "Hi Mom" "Que pasa, amigo?" "How are you, friend?"

I think the whole Casti drag thing is a semi decent storyline. But her and DJ Alak Tarr being manipulated in such contrived/obvious/classic TV fashion is disappointing. While watching him and Deidre get it on, I actually yelled at the TV "of course you are, because you're Alak and you're basic!"

Yea, this story line is so painful.

According to the book, it hasn't been 70 years. More like 30-40. He didn't come over straight after the war. Pretty much my entire family on both sides, as well as my wife's, immigrated from Europe (Poland, Italy, Greece) between the 1950's and 70's and not a single one of the came anywhere close to losing their

The books (no spoilers) give you the same feeling - you like Fet and Setrakian WAAAY more than you like Eph. He's a little bit of a wet blanket.

I love David Bradley, but I find his total lack of an Eastern European accent to be a little off-putting.

Ah, thanks. I didn't remember that line. I kind of liked the castiface (nice term, btw) - it was weird and unexpected, and believable (people are going to take every opportunity to do weird shit), sort of like the Nolan/Berlin coupling.

Haha. Maybe. Ever seen the first season of Californication?

Completely random quibbles here, but:

It was my impression it was a club full of Votan wannabes. Looking closely, it seemed like a lot of the make up was intentionally obvious, especially the Indogenes (around the neck/ear, i.e. where a mask would connect). I read that as Christie wanting to do something that would make her feel more Casti, given that