
They all ended up as writers on these shows

The episode today just made me shed so many tears.

There was a brief period where Evergreen (the elemental) and Gunther (with ice crown powers) both coexisted. It would stand that there is an elemental line that follows down, as well as a line from the corrupted crown that is similar in powers because it is mimicking an elemental, but separate from the elemental.

He's married don't worry!

Can guarantee an insane live show, completely blew me away a few weeks ago. Dudes can play

On the Run destroyed me on first watch, and left me with tears on every rewatch after. Incredible television.

I thought after a plot-heavy episode with a major reveal they would ease us back in with some joke heavy stuff, but this show is really nailing down important relationship stuff in every episode while still delivering some really funny stuff. Just great, well-done television, show is getting close to another level,

Huge fan, hoping they get a positive response and the show can keep going beyond these nine initial episodes. Would make so much sense on Cartoon Network next to AT and the visually similar but much brighter in tone Steven Universe.

I believe Hirsch said the author hasn't been seen yet, whether it's Stan's brother or not, would guess he's on the other side of that portal and not in the show.

I'm less concerned by past involvements with the society, I feel like this was a story to explain one backstory and minor inconsistencies. Much more excited by the prospect of what happens now that the society was disbanded. People can't forget the paranormal now, they have to face it.

Its not that random for Disney channel, its just random in comparison to adult programming you may be used to watching.

Can guarantee its not Stan, all he needed to find was the journals. If he hid them why wouldn't and get them immediately and put the machine together? The Stan twin theory makes much more sense, as it wasn't Stan, who doesn't have all of this information, but its someone Stan cares about that he's trying to get back.

Her memories were one of the visible bottles, explains why she might be a little broken. Only others I noticed were Pacifica, and interestingly enough Preston Northwest on the mantle next to McGucket. He may have some important memories, and should definitely play a somewhat important role down the line.

They could just be building to this joke. I'd say its a funny callback but wouldn't read too much into it. Also a great way to write off his character.

In their introduction they said they've been onto Gravity Falls, and experience similar readings to Stan turning on the portal 30 years ago. Doubt they're involved memory wipes.

What if the parody is realistic portrayal more similar to the show than commonplace porn?