perspicuous alba

As the Kids in the Hall taught us, it's the Holy Trinity of Rock.

It sank three times killing, among others, its inventor, so they finally gave up on it.

His poll numbers were bad in Quebec apparently because even though he was born in Montreal and raised in the province, he only got around to learning French this year.

'one dark horse even claiming that the Queen of England was involved in drug smuggling. '

isn't there some question of whether Klingon itself is covered by copyright? Not that the creators would raise the issue for something like this, but it has come up in other cases.

J6 Objection: The Soviet Union wasn't founded until 1922. (for five years before that, it was the RSFSR).

I've always been partial to his role in the movie-in-the-movie in Matinee, as the kindly dentist who accidentally tuens the hero into a… MANT!

You do know that a tubal ligation isn't the same thing as a hysterectomy?