

I agree. And I like the fact that they're being sort of subtle about it. On the one hand, you understand Archie's POV and why he doesn't see that he's being taken advantage of, but on the other hand, as an external viewer, you're able to see that predatory behaviour for what it is and it doesn't feel pedantic.

Reviews are back! YESSSS!!! Good episode, but not as good as the premiere, which was excellent.

Well, you've made an excellent choice then.

"Act casual."

Isn't that what the US has currently?

I don't really think he's from the future. I'm not really into trying to guess big conspiracies because a) it's often a waste of time b) I'd rather be surprised by the twists. I just think it's a big plot hole, and I was trying to find an excuse for such a sloppy mistake, because the actor is, like you say, a bit too…

Well, it still leaves a big plot hole, because Bruhl must have already been born when the moon landing happened…unless he's from the future.

Dr Linda : "I can't do this."
Maze : "Neither can I, these scrubs are so boxy even I can't pull them off. (sexy Doctor turns around) Scratch that! I can pull off anything."

One like is not enough to show how much I love your answer.

I'm glad to see your name mentioned! I tried spreading the word to my American friends, but I felt it wasn't enough.

Those family reunions must be fun!

Have you seen Trump's responses and understanding of grammar?

Didn't anyone mention the Illuminati?

Because the psychotic isn't the one WRITING ALL IN CAPS (but with a period at the end, not an exclamation point.)

I'm thinking LeFou, because Gaston would totally grab 'em by the pussy.

It's not funny when satire becomes reality.

Where do you think those 3 million ghost voters came from ?

Please do. This shouldn't stay hidden in a comment section.

You should have your own "great job, Internet! " article about this.